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What is a bibliography (bib-li-og-ra-phy)?

A bibliography is an alphabetical list of the sources of information such as books, journals and the Internet, that you have used to write a research report.


When you use any information from other published materials you must list them in a bibliography. This shows where you have looked for the information, and allows the reader to look further into the subject.

Why do I need to make a bibliography?

A bibliography helps you know where you got your information from and it lets your teacher know you are giving proper credit for your sources of information.

What do I include in a bibliography?

You should list every source you use such as a book, a movie, a website, an interview or any information that did not come from you.


Where do I put the bibliography for my assignment?

The bibliography goes at the end of your assignment. The title of this page should be Bibliography.

How to make a Bibliography

*Alphabetise by author’s last name.

*If no author, go by the first main word of the title.
*Use the bibliography style that your teacher requests (there are different ways to record).

For a Book –Name of author/s (last name, first names) Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Year of publication.

Thomas, Ron, & Sydenham, Shirley, Using the Library, Phoenix Education, Putney, 2006


Note: If you can’t find the authors’ names, start with the title. Like this; Using the Library , Phoenix Education, Putney, 2006


For the Internet – Name of author/s,(last name, first names) Year of publication, Title of page, title of site, Internet address, Date of access.

Sydenham, Shirley, 2004, What is a bibliography? Kids Cyber website, ,23 June, 2019


If you can’t find the authors’ names type the page title, title of site, Internet address and date of access. Like this, 23 June, 2020


For a magazine – Author (last name first), “Article Title.” Name of magazine. Volume number, (Date): page numbers.

Thomas, R., “How to make a book”. Kidtimes Magazine. Volume 3, No. 1, (2018): p. 11.


For a newspaper – Author (last name first), “Article Title.” Name of newspaper, city, state of publication. (date): edition if available, section, page number(s).

Smith, Joan, “New Books for Smart Kids.” Age newspaper, Melbourne. (3/1/2020): Books and Writing section, p. 34.

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