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Project information


You can choose to be a Emergency Management Coordinator, Volcanologist or Meteorologist. You will choose a way in which to  present your information about one of the following disasters;

Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunamis, Cyclones, Floods, Droughts, Bushfires, Avalanches or Landslides.

Your task is to research the topic and;

1. Explain the type of disaster by providing a brief description of how it takes place.

2. Identify how it affects our region within the Southern Hemisphere and include a brief history of some well known examples.

3. Explain how Scientists and technology has helped to deal with the disaster.

4. Explain the impact your disaster can have on different communities.

5. Give an overview of the type of preparation or preventative measures (including warning systems) that can be used.

6. Explain the kind of response and recovery processes that are in  place within Australia or the region. Is it a good system? Give your opinion.




Natural Disasters Design Brief


Click on the Word documents below to help you with your project.


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