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Droughts occur when there is a period of below-average rainfall in a particular area. This can cause top soil to dry out, groundwater to sink and streams and rivers to dry up. A drought can last for weeks, months or even years. In severe cases, droughts may be declared after as few as 15 days.

Living organisms need water to survive. Because of this, droughts are one of the worst natural disasters that can occur. Prolonged drought can cause plants and animals to die and crops to fail. This can lead to famine for the human population.

There are three main categories of drought: meteorological (a reduction in rain), agricultural (a reduction in crop irrigation) and hydrological (a reduction in lake and reservoir levels).

In areas where trees have been cut down, hot winds blow away the dry topsoil. This is called erosion. Planting trees before a drought may help stop the soil being blown away in times of drought. The topsoil being blown away can cause dust storms. 

To prepare for a time of drought, people store water in dams and use the water from larger rivers to irrigate their crops. The water supply to homes and to industry is limited.


Without rain, the plants that are food for land animals and birds is in short supply or dies out all together. When waterways dry up the wildlife have no drinking water. Fish and other animals that live in streams, rivers and dams will die when the waterways dry up.

 - Drought and frogs: Frogs need water in which to lay their eggs and as a place for tadpoles to live as they develop into frogs. In a drought many creeks, rivers, wetlands, dry up and some species may not breed during the driest months. 

 - Drought and reptiles: Reptiles can dig themselves into the ground under rocks, or hide under or inside logs, and go into a sleep-like state (it is called torpor) until the ground get moist again. Then they wake up and get active once more.



In periods of drought there may be a greater risk of bushfires in forest and grasslands. The plant cover dries out and lightning strikes cause bushfires. Wildlife, farm animals and people are in danger from these fires. 


People are told to stop washing their cars, to stop watering the grass and take other water conservation steps such as taking shorter showers and making sure that there are no dripping taps in their houses.

PDF: Recovering Together After Drought

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